About MaartenMemorial

On the 4th of August 2003, Maarten van Sten, aged 27, died of the consequences of aggressive melanoma cancer.

Maarten was passionate about exclusive sports cars and in particular Lotus cars, as he was seen as one of the greatest ambassadors of the Lotus brand in the Netherlands. He wanted to share his passion with everyone. In his name friends of Maarten initiated the first edition of MaartenMemorial in 2004. After all, you live on as long as you are remembered. Since then MaartenMemorial brings together exclusive dream cars to battle cancer in an annually reoccurring event. The next MaartenMemorial will take place in Spring 2024.

Our main objective: to give cancerpatiënts and their loved ones a fantastic, unforgettable day by taking them along in Maarten's story. How? By inviting them to take a ride in one of the hunderd spectacular sports cars, mainly Lotus, from Rotterdam to Zandvoort, in the west of the Netherlands. In Zandvoort we will spend two hours on the Dutch national race course for a couple of fast laps.

Secondarily, no less important objective though, is to raise funds for cancer research at the Maarten van Sten Laboratory | Erasmus MC Cancer Institute in Rotterdam (NL). In 2023 we introduced the MM-Grant. An English version will soon be available. In short the MM-grant comes down to investing in scientists specialising in cancer research. To show a little insight into the scale of our achievements: the previous seventeen MaartenMemorials already raised over roughly € 1.852.000 million. The Maarten van Sten Laboratory is a very succesful lab coming with an extensive number of scientific publications leading to implementations for better cancer treatment and quality of life.

About the organisation
MaartenMemorial was originally initiated and organised by friends of Maarten. Still in close contact with its original founders, nowadays the existing core-team together with MaartenMemorial's loyal partners and several sponsors, organise the yearly occurring editions. On the day of the event they get the support with a still growing day crew of fantastic and beautiful volunteers.

Support your driver of choice
Your support is greatly appreciated. Below you will find all details for making a donation from outside the Netherlands. When you choose to donate one of our drivers, please make sure to inform us your driver of choice of your support before we add your sponsorship amount to the overall count. On behalf of the Maarten van Sten Laboratory | Erasmus MC Cancer Insitute and the Erasmus MC Foundation, Rotterdam, many thanks!

Living abroad should not be an obstacle for making your donation. The banks invented SWIFT and other stuff like that. To reach the proper bank account, please fill in the following numbers and texts in the right place: 

To : Erasmus MC Foundation, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Payment reference: MM2023, Maarten van Sten Laboratory
IBAN: NL11 RABO 03426 18989

When you have questions of any kind, please don't hesitate to contact us via info@maartenmemorial.com

Best regards,

MaartenMemorial, core-team

Appendix MM-Grant